Frank Speaking Live

Monday, July 03, 2006

What I learned at the Magnificent Marketing Symposium
by Frank Furness

James Ziegler on success

Gather people
Define and prioritise your profit centres
Form strategic alliances
Hire the best people and pay them too much
Have a product or service that is saleable, scaleable and replicatable
Establish credibility
Embrace technology and embrace it into your business
Re-evaluate the effectiveness of your business continually
Stay in front of your customers
Make your website sell you or your services, it is not a brochure

Tom Antion on Internet Marketing Strategies

Develop multiple revenue sources from the internet, including:
Direct sales
Joint venture deals
Residual affiliate programmes
Ebay affiliates
Google adsense
Mentoring/coaching retreats

Get logos developed at

Ask your website developer ‘What plan do you have to work my keywords into my website’. If they can’t answer, find someone else.

Bill O’Hanlon on writing and getting published

Write about your passion
Blissed – what do you love
Pissed – What really pisses you off (his words)

Your book proposal should have the following:
Sales tool and calling card
Title page
Overview and intro to the book or project
Platform pages
Detailed chapter outline
Sample chapters
Competition – who are they and how are you better or different

Marketing and publicity outlets and plans
What is the problem you’re solving
What is your promise or benefit
How are you positioning yourself

Dave Larner – Website – Steps to internet success

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary

Ingredients for a good website
Research – what is your competition doing

Who is your target audience
What is your niche
What do you want them to do
What type of site are you going to build
Online brochure
Order taking site
Support site

Easy to navigate
Action Oriented

Graham van Dixhorn on writing
With your book think about:
Who are you
What makes you different to other writers
Why should they buy your book

Fill in the gaps – I am an expert in the field of_____. I show you how to ____ so that you can____

This book gives you____

Gayl Murphy on Media Tactics

The media is anyone or anything that can take your message and move it forward

When being interviewed
Have lots of colour and detail
There is no such thing as ‘Off the record’
Think bullet points
Connect your pitch to current headlines
Stay on topic, stay focused and be specific
Reporters love something that is current and something with Spin

James Malinchak on how to make $250,000 s year speaking to colleges

No audience will ever hear you until they know you
It’s not your IQ, it’s your ‘I do’
To have success you must have a desire to help otheres
Get yourself a mentor or coach

Colleges in the USA book speakers on topics including:
Woman Issues
Weight Loss
Sex Education
Motivation & Inspiration
Business/Sales/ Marketing/management
Current Events
Black History
Real Estate
Date rape and sexual assault

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